Hotel industry

Bedbugs are extremely unwelcome in the hotel industry. You want to avoid an infestation of these bloodsuckers at all costs, because once they are there, they can multiply rapidly and lead to a bad reputation. However, it is impossible to prevent bedbugs from being introduced via guests’ luggage from time to time. A proactive approach can minimise the negative effects.

  • Reduce potential harbourage sites. For example, use of mattress covers.
  • Visual inspection for bed bugs when changing bed linen. Training staff to look out for signs of bedbug infestation when changing bed linen. Andermatt Biocontrol Suisse offers training in this area.
  • Use of traps for monitoring. It is best to place traps under every bed. These can be placed discreetly and are easy to check.
  • If bedbugs are found in a room: Thoroughly inspect the surrounding rooms, including above and below.
  • Plan a strategy before an infestation occurs so that you can react quickly and efficiently in the event of an introduction.
  • Train staff to deal with customer complaints. A study on bedbugs in the hotel industry showed that 70% of guests cannot correctly identify a bedbug. Nevertheless, it is important to take a complaint seriously and allow a room change. If the fulfilment of the duty of care can be credibly demonstrated through preventative measures, many customers will be understanding.

Andermatt bedbug strategy

Since spring 2019, the diatomaceous earth products InsectoSec and Nattaro Safe have been authorised as biocides in Switzerland and can be officially used for bedbug control. In combination with the Nattaro Scout pheromone trap, effective early detection can be combined with preventive measures.


As bedbugs can be introduced at any time through guests’ luggage, regular infestation control is strongly recommended. The Nattaro Scout trap can be placed discreetly and can be checked quickly. The bait contains an aggregation hormone that attracts males and females of all developmental stages of bedbugs. The traps can be used over the entire area or at 4-week intervals per floor.

Pheromone trap Nattaro Scout with bait
The pheromone attractant attracts all stages of development

In case of suspicion

If a bed bug has been caught in the trap or guests report bites, action must be taken quickly. The room(s) must be searched thoroughly for traces of bedbugs. If bedbugs are found, it is best to call in a pest controller. If an infestation is found, treating the room with heat, for example, is the quickest way to eliminate any bedbugs present. Nattaro Safe can then be attached to the inside of the bed frame to kill any surviving or returning bedbugs. InsectoSec spray should be used to treat all cracks and possible migration routes such as sockets and ventilation inlets. Neighbouring rooms, including those immediately above and below, should also be treated in the same way.

Nattaro safe for installation under the bed
InsectoSec spray for application in cracks

Long-term prevention

The risk of introduction is particularly high in guesthouses where a different guest is in bed practically every night. The preventative use of Nattaro Safe is recommended here. The tape can be easily attached to the bed frame on the underside of the beds. The paper flap is an attractive daytime hiding place for bed bugs and attracts them. Once they come into contact with the active ingredient, the bugs dry out. If every bed is protected with Nattaro Safe, introduced bedbugs are captured and cannot establish themselves. The great advantage of Nattaro Safe is its long duration of action of at least twelve months. This enables cost-effective prevention and avoids the need for costly treatment of the entire room.

Nattaro Safe for prevention
Most nymphs are dead after 3 days