
Bedbugs often spread as passengers in bags or used furniture. Clothes and bags should therefore be checked after traveling. It is best to unpack luggage in the bathtub or on a sheet (but not on the bed) to detect escaping bedbugs. Wash laundry at 60°C, knock out or vacuum items and luggage thoroughly. If bedbugs are suspected, freeze the affected items for at least 24 hours. There is also a risk of introduction when buying second-hand furniture. If there is a permanent risk of introduction, for example in hotels or asylum accommodation, the use of Nattaro Safe bed bug tape is recommended. The InsectoSec-filled adhesive tape can be easily and discreetly applied directly to the underside of the bed and is effective for at least twelve months.

Nattaro Safe adhesive tape for the prevention of bedbugs

Possible retreats such as skirting boards, gaps in floorboards and cracks in walls can also be treated with InsectoSec to prevent bedbugs from nesting. Application with the InsectoSec spray is suitable for this purpose.

Diatomaceous earth easy to apply with the InsectoSec spray